Instant pot cooked chickpeas recipe. Chickpeas are cooked in an electric instant pot. Very easy and healthy recipe. You may also like Roasted ChickpeasAMP, a very easy and delicious appetizer roasted in an oven.
How else you can use cooked chickpeas? I suggest preparing yummy hummus dip-Smoked Oyster Hummus, also this is a great idea to use this recipe for a vegetable salad.
These cooked chickpeas can be stored in a refrigerator for up to four days.
Rinse dry chickpeas under cold running water. Drain.
Add to an electric instant pot with the remaining ingredients.
Close the cooker and lock the lid. Set the machine to cook at high pressure. Set the timer to cook for 35 minutes.
Using the Natural Release method, bring pressure to normal. Carefully unlock and open the lid.
Cool completely and store. Enjoy!